Temple Beth Torah

Welcome to the Morris Nirenberg Religious School!

Welcome to the Morris Nirenberg Religious School!

Jane Kohuth – School Principal

At Temple Beth Torah, we help our students to develop a personally meaningful 21st century Jewish identity rooted in the traditions and values of our people. Our goal is to support our students in feeling both at home in synagogue and confident in their identities as Jewish people in the wider world. 

We are a close-knit school with classes for children in preschool through seventh grade, as well as a program for teen classroom helpers (madrichim). Our teachers are all members of the Temple Beth Torah community with a long-term commitment to seeing our young people develop as Jews. Throughout their years with us, our students cultivate a relationship with Jewish traditions, holidays, sacred text, prayer, Hebrew, Jewish history, Jewish cultures, and Jewish values, developing a breadth of Jewish knowledge and making Judaism their own through challenging discussion and hands-on, project-based learning. All of our education is rooted in the values of inclusion, social justice (Tikkun Olam), respect for one another (Kavod), communal responsibility (Kol Yisrael Arevim Ze BaZeh), and loving our neighbor as ourselves (V’ahavta L’reiacha Kamocha).

As a synagogue and school, we welcome and want families of diverse identities in our community, including LGBTQ+ and interfaith families, and strive to create a supportive environment for all people.